Professional, experienced and focused on quality

A passion for language and a love for the Middle East form the basis for the profession that I have been practising for over three decades and still very much enjoy.

My fascination for the Arab world led to a bachelor's degree in Translation Studies Arabic, a master's degree Arabic Language and Culture and eventually to a fifteen-year stay in Cairo (Egypt).

With over thirty years' professional translation experience, excellent writing skills and research abilities, I focus on providing quality translations. 

Language combination
Arabic into Dutch

Native language

BTr | Bachelor of Translation | Translation Studies Arabic and German (specialisation medicine) | Maastricht School of Interpreting and Translation (1991)
MA | Master of Arts | Semitic Languages and Cultures (Arabic) | University of Amsterdam (2000)

For more information please visit my LinkedIn-profile.

Member of the Netherlands Association of Interpreters and Translators (NGTV)

Registered with the District Courts Limburg, The Hague and Noord-Nederland.

Listed in the Dutch Register of sworn interpreters and translators (Rbtv) as a translator Arabic into Dutch under Wbtv-nr. 31.

Continuing education
In the context of my professional development I regularly attend courses and workshops.

Duty of confidentiality
As a sworn translator I have a professional duty to treat information I receive from clients as confidential. 
